Real Living Wage
1 week ago
Starting late June, it’s four months of showing us your creative metal: working with designers, strategists, writers, motion designers, 3D designers and other really nice, cool people.
It’s an opportunity to check out all the roles of a creative agency, and find your perfect place.
We don’t believe in unpaid internships – you can’t eat experience. That’s why we pay all our interns real living wage, for the whole time you’re with us.
Pay, perks, potential – did we mention the living wage? Plus all the tools, mentoring and a seat right in the heart of the action. Work on hot projects. Full studio experience.
This is your chance to show us what you’re made of. We can’t wait to see it.
Drop us an email with the subject line ‘Continuous internship’ telling us why you’d love an internship with us, with a link to your portfolio and a CV. We’ll be in touch.